Capturing the beauty of union and partnership

Weโ€™re here for the small details: the secret glances, the quiet whispers, the joy brimming over into laughter - everything humming in beauty. 

But mostly, weโ€™re here for you, to capture this celebration of your love.

At Coast & Kin weโ€™re dedicated to capturing candid moments that tell the story of your love. With two of us behind the lens, we offer twice the number of eyes, hands and ideas to ensure no moment is missed.

Every wedding and engagement is a little different. We know how much care and intention goes into planning these moments, and weโ€™re committed to bringing that same level of care to capturing your special day. 

Being a duo weโ€™re able to get more creative with our shots than a solo-photographer can. We offer a diversity of packages that can include digital photography, film photography, drone shots, a bit of video, and Polaroid images.

Let us know what you have in mind, and weโ€™ll put together a bespoke photography package designed just for your day. 

You can find out more about our shared approach over on our About page.  

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